Born, raised and lived in Kansas all my life. Then in November of 2007, my husband and I moved to the east coast. My husband's dream has been to renovate an old house. So, here we are in a house built in 1890 and we work hard to keep it from falling down around our ears. Sometimes I wonder, "What were we thinking!?"
My blog is about what is happening in my life as I adjust to living in the south, adjust to being an empty nester, adjust to menopause, adjust to being a grandma...
The beach vacation is over. Everyone is back in their own homes except for the youngest daughter who will be with us until Friday. Our dogs are back from the kennel and Quade is barking at the front window letting everyone know he is back on guard duty. Everything has been unpacked and put away. Hubs is back at work in his office upstairs.
The vacation count down clock on the left is down to the last few hours. There are a few more things to pack in the morning, then we are off to Emerald Isle, NC, for a week. We have been looking forward to this for a long time.
This will be the view from my bedroom for the next week.
I am hoping to post a couple times while we are on vacation, but our two grandsons will be there as will most of our adult children. They will keep me busy and happy.
Let others know what you have accomplished this week. Finished for Friday is hosted by Lit and Laundry.
My mom made several of these towels when both of my daughters were born. They are so much nicer than the typical thin hooded towels you can purchase. Not only are they wonderful for bathing baby but they are great to take to the pool, lake or beach for toddlers and small children. Because these towels are so easy to make, I always give one or two to any new mom.
To make these hooded towels, you will need a bath towel and matching wash cloth. The one shown in this picture is one I bought at Wal-Mart. It is one of the thicker towels they sell.
Prewash and dry the towel and wash cloth as per manufacturer's directions. Fold the wash cloth in half, right sides together. Since this wash cloth had two sides with a wider finished edge, I choose to make those edges the front of the hood as it will be easier to stitch the seam along the narrower finished edge. I also placed the tag so it would be in the top part of the hood.
Stitch along the pinned edge. I usually let the finished edges of the cloth guide me as to how wide to stitch the seam. This one was about a quarter inch.
Here is the wash cloth after it is seamed.
Next, fold the towel in half, short edges together, and place a pin to mark the middle of the edge. Find the middle of the wash cloth opposite the seamed edge and mark with a pin. With the pins matching, pin the wash cloth to the towel, right sides together.
Sew the washcloth to the towel.
All done. How simple is that? Here is Mrs. Beasley all wrapped up in the finished towel.
I have been spending a lot of time in the studio this week, but this is the only project I have completed. Maybe next week, I will have the quilt finished that will be sent along with the towel to my friend's new baby girl.
What have you accomplished this week? Share it with us at Lit and Laundry.
Last week, my mom and her sister traveled from Kansas to North Carolina to visit. A round trip of 2997 miles for these 69 and 68 year old blue heads. We had a wonderful time and they loved our "falling down around our ears" home.
Carefully wrapped and safely tucked in the trunk of Mom's car were a pair of lamps that were once my Grandma Lawhon's. My earliest memories of my grandma include these lamps that flanked her sofa. They held such a fascination for me and I would spend a lot of time sitting on Grandma's sofa looking at and petting these lamps.
I was so excited when Mom said she was bringing these lamps that have been tucked in her attic for many years. Now they are mine! For the time being, they sit on a table in the upstairs hallway. Some day soon, they will be the lamps on the bedside tables in our master suite. Click on each picture to enlarge it so you can see the wonderful detail on these lamps.
Don't they look like they could grant you a wish if you rubbed them?
There are no markings on these lamps and I have never seen any like them. Knowing my grandma, she probably found them in her favorite thrift store back in the early 50's.
It has been a couple of weeks since I have participated in Vintage Thingies Thursday hosted by Suzanne at Coloradolady. I have missed all my friends and their wonderful vintage, antique and retro items. Why not click here and follow me to see what they are sharing this week?