My list of things to do is a mile long it seems.
- Spring cleaning
- Create and sew five handbags by June
- Clean flower beds and plant annuals
- Create and construct items to sell at the Virginia Avenue Mall.
- Get out bike and yoga mat.
**Please note! I will NOT be doing yoga while riding my bike.
Hub's mom is arriving on Wednesday for a week long visit. I'm trying to plan menus and do the shopping.
Today I have an appointment to see a doctor at Duke Integrative Medicine to get relief from my "mental"pause symptoms.
One of the items I am making to sell at the Virginia Avenue Mall are reusable shopping bags. Here are some pics of ones I made to give as Christmas gifts last year.
These bags are the same size as the plastic bags you get at your grocery store because I used a Target bag as my pattern. They are super strong as each bag is lined and the bag folds up into the front pocket for easy storage. My bags are upcycled, as they are constructed from fabric purchased at yard sales and flea markets. Some of the fabric is UGGLY!
My question to you is: How much should I charge for these bags? Would you pay $3? $5? Help me out here!

Your list is full!
I do like the shopping bags...especially since you are reusing old material.
I would say a lot of people would pay 5 bucks for them..but for 3, they will fly off the shelves!
You need a clone!
Your ta-da list sounds like mine. It will be magic if we get it all done :)
Shopping bags are great! How about $4.00 just to keep it in the middle.
$3-5!!!! Are you crazy??!!?? I know you have more time invested than that! $10 minimum.
Hope the Dr visit helps!
I've made these same bags from a pattern on Crafster. I use a Target bag as a pattern too.
Nobody uses just one bag when they go shopping. I'd sell them in sets of 3 or pairs maybe. I have no idea on the price. Seems like a lot of stores around here sell reusable bags for $1 so that's the competition. I've just given mine away so far.
You are a busy girl.
I love those bags. I would say $3.
Most reuseable bags go for $1. or $2. Most are from a grocery store and are kind of generic..., but yours are really pretty so I would say $3. or $4. but it depends on the labor that's involved too.
Wow, you sound like a crazy busy lady. But at least you aren't just "crazy"! ha!
I'd say 3 or 4 because you can get the ugly store ones for a buck. Or maybe 4 each and 3 for $10.
Good luck.
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