Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Post

October 28, 2008 was my first blog post. You can read it here.  I would not advice it unless you are looking for something to help put you to sleep.  What a snoozefest those first post were!

When I first started this blog, I had no idea what direction it would take.  I knew I wanted it to be a documentary of my new life - an almost fifty year old emptynester transplanted from her home town in the midwest to an old, run down house in the south.  My blog was a way for friends back home to keep track of what was going on in my day to day life.  Those first posts were like letters to those friends back home.

My blog has a different look and a different voice than it did back then.  I still write for my friends back home but I also write for those I have met in blog land over the last two years. 

The next day, I posted about harvesting the herbs from my garden before the frost got them.  Those herbs were hung in the sun room off Hub's office.

This picture was taken last week before I took down and threw away the brown, crumbling herbs I hung to dry two years ago.  Some things do not change...I can still procrastinate. 



Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so darn cute Bea.
Even if you procrastinate. :)
Have a wonderful weekend (hiding from the neighborhood Halloween kids!)

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Oh well, better late than never. Actually, they look nice hanging there in the window. Do you miss them? Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary and thanks for sharing.