Last week, I set a goal for myself. This room, which needs to be painted and decorated for a second guest room, was going to get decluttered.
You know the hardest part of this job? Not digging through all this stuff, but finding a place to put it. If you live in an old home like ours, you know that there are no closets really. In the 3600 square feet of our house, there are four closets totaling forty eight square feet.
So what did I do with all that stuff? There were several boxes of kitchen items that I did not unpack when we first moved because "The Plan" was to remodel the kitchen first. Since that job has been moved way down the list, I unpacked those boxes, washed and washed and washed items then rearranged my six cabinets and three drawers to accommodate the things I wanted to keep.
This pile of things will go into the attic in the garage.
All the stuff in the next two pictures are marked and ready to go in our yard sale next weekend. To me, that in itself is a big accomplishment as pricing items for a yard sale is a large task.
Lit and Laundry hosts "Finished for Friday". Click over there to see what others have done this week. What have you finished this week?

Wow, Bea, you got a lot done! I enlarged the pictures so I could see everything up close and personal -- I like looking at other people's houses. I love your baseboards and the trim around the doors. And, the fireplace too. When will the guest room be finished? I might need to drop in for a visit then. :) Great de-cluttering job!
Clutter is sooooo hard to fight - - - reminds me of kudzu, if you stand still long enough it will grow right over you.
You have really made some great progress. You should be, how does the elephant taste?????
Love your al fresco dining area....and you plan to keep it decluttered!!! Does the hubby read your blog? are these HINTS???
Happy Saturday!
Omigoodness! That is WONDERFUL progress! (I'd count it as "finished" too!)
Great work!
Fantastic! You've worked hard!
I absolutely love the pink luggage on the pink luggage rack! What a fun piece for a guest room.
Looking good! Keep at it. I will post my update tomorrow - looks like you are ahead by a mile indeed! ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
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