Since today is our daughter Caitlin's twenty fifth birthday, I thought I would share twenty five random things about her.

She hates to be called Caitlin Christine. Usually because whoever is calling her that is mad at her.
When she was three, she had an imaginary friend named Timmy who lived in the drawer under the oven.
At two and three, “Lassie” was her favorite television show. She was enamored with Paul Martin, Timmy’s father.
While in middle school and high school, she watched “Dukes of Hazzard” reruns religiously. She wanted to marry John Schneider.
She weighed 6 lbs, 1 oz when she was born.
In the last couple of years, she has finally tipped the scales to weigh 100 pounds.
She played basketball and softball for many years in our community youth recreation programs. One season of soccer was all she wanted to do because she didn’t like all the running.
She was a member of the cross country team in middle school and did well in most competitions because she wanted to hurry up and get the race over.
In high school she was a member of the debate team. I called her the Master Debater.
She was a cheerleader in high school. Because she was so small, she was the “flyer”; the one they tossed in the air. I couldn’t watch those performances.
Her companion, Rio, is a Pomeranian.
She is not a very tidy person.
She has a bachelor’s degree in history.
Caity loves music from the 80’s rock bands.
If it weren’t for Kraft mac and cheese, she would go hungry.
Caity wasn’t into Barbies as a young girl, but she had Jem and all the Holograms as well as the complete stage.
In grade school, she started playing flute and played through middle school.
She was a participant in Miss Prairie Port, our hometown’s scholarship pageant. While she didn’t win the scholarship, she was the best candidate in our eyes.
Her favorite book as a child was Good Night Moon. At one time, I could recite it by heart.
Hours were spent with her in front of the television watching every Care Bear VHS we could buy, rent or borrow. She had five or six of the stuffed Care Bears and to this day has not forgave me for selling them in a garage sale. Care Bear Stare!
Her ears are not pierced because it hurt too much. But she does have a small tattoo, the sign of Gemini, on her back.
She was such a small baby and toddler. Her Grandma French nicknamed her “Itty Bitty”.
She has worked since she was fifteen. Jobs she has held include concession stand worker at the ball diamonds, nanny for a doctor’s children, cashier at a grocery store chain, bartender and waitress, and runner for a law firm. Currently she is employed by Documents on Demand.
Caity has an eclectic collection of books. Last I knew she was reading the Twilight series.
Love, Mom

Happy birthday to your Caity!!!
She is such a cutie and seems to have her act together...makes me happy to see she had a 'not so clean' room either...my girls drive me nuts.
Great post and a nice tribute to a wonderful daughter!
What a beautiful daughter you have. This was a pleasure to read, way to go mom, you did good! I'm kinda disheartened because I was hoping my daughter would grow out of the messy room phase - after seeing your daughter's room I have lost all hope. LOL! Happy Birthday Caity!
Happy Birthday Caity!
What a lovely tribute, but the untidy room scares me. I was hoping mine would outgrow that tendency.
Happy Birthday, Caity!
You are a beautiful young woman, BUT, we really need to talk about that room;)
Thanks for sharing, Bea! The photos are beautiful:)
What a beautiful girl. Happy birthday to her. We have the best day!
she is *beautiful* girl!
happy belated birthday caitlin!
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